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Thinking Diagnostically about Reading Interventions: Word Recognition (K-12)

Needing to plan diagnostic and prescriptive interventions? Learn how to administer and interpret diagnostic reading data to help guide intervention plans and instruction for students with word level reading difficulties including: phonemic awareness, phonics (decoding and encoding), and word recognition. Whether you are a classroom teacher, special education teacher, interventionist, dyslexia specialist, or diagnostician, this session will help you understand foundational skills and components of reading to address student needs.

The purpose of this session is to help participants think diagnostically about student's reading performance and to help teachers and evaluation specialists readily identify areas of support to be able to align student needs with the most appropriate intensive and targeted intervention. As a part of the registration, participants will receive access to our K-12 diagnostic assessment accompanied by a template to help analyze results and identify patterns within students' reading performance.

Audience: K-2 Classroom Teachers, 3rd-12th Teachers (Intervention), Dyslexia Teachers/Specialists, Special Education Teachers, Interventionists, Reading Specialists, Diagnosticians, Evaluation Specialists

Format: Interactive Virtual Event (Webinar)

Cost: $95 (includes access to diagnostic reading instrument)

Payment: Credit Card and Purchase Orders

*To pay with a purchase order, type PURCHASEORDER in the discount code field. This will allow participants to continue registering without a credit card payment. Please email a copy of the purchase order totaling $95 for each participant to info@prolearningservices.com. Registration is not confirmed until payment or purchase order is received.

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